China Studies Review

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Johns Hopkins University, Paul H. Nitze School of Advanced International Studies, China Studies Program
Our edition begins with Shangsi Zhou’s exploration of the unconventional growth of market capitalism in China’s state-governed economy. Her essay is followed by Sam Boone’s timely review of China’s relationship with the International Criminal Police Organization (Interpol), reflecting on the ways in which China uses international organizations to fulfill domestic goals. The next article is Dominic Chiu’s review of the inefficiency of China’s state sector and the inherent difficulties that exist in reforming state-owned enterprises. The fourth entry is Anna Woods’ examination of China’s growing food insecurity and the ways in which China leverages international organizations and multilateral relationships in attempts to mitigate future shortages. Her work is followed by Brian Hart’s research regarding technological innovation in China in terms of strategic military development, and how this impacts U.S.-China technological competition. Next, Kevin Garrahan examines China’s path to becoming a world leader of innovation, and the challenges presented by China’s current economic structure to this transition. Finally, Michael Sutherland concludes this edition with his review of China’s transition from a “standards taker” to an international “standards maker,” and what this means for international governance organizations.
China - Economy, International Organizations, State Owned Enterprises (SOE), Food Insecurity, China - Military Development, Technological Advances, China - Standardization, China - Technology Innovation
China Studies Review, Issue no. 5 (2019)