Public Policy Proposal to Reduce Air Pollution in China

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Chinese Air quality trails the Air Quality standards by WHO exposing over 81% of the Chinese population to related threats. In 2014, China was ranked the second-worst on air quality, globally, with a score of 18.81, and only 9 out of 100 cities in the country had attained the WHO standards. This has exposed the Chinese people to adverse health issues and increased economic costs. Premature deaths from exposure to O3 in China increased from 2013 to 2018 with 36% (short-term) and 59% (long-term). The costs of non-communicable diseases between 2015 and 2030 in China are projected to be $449 billion, where the largest costs are from air quality related diseases. The procedure to analyze the problem involved a study of the history of previously implemented policies such as the 14th five-year plan (2021-2025), various historical legislations and amendments, and key actors. Nevertheless, policy and political analyses informed the procedures to complete the policy proposal. The analysis has revealed that China could achieve its goals for improved air quality by increasing the production and use of renewable energy sources. The realization of the policy goal will require different actors and stakeholders to play part. Finally, the policy should not be implemented in isolation, but should supplement other already existing policies that the Chinese government has introduced to confront the threat of air pollution.
air pollution, Public health, renewable energy